Building cross-browser focus indicators

Published Sat Jan 07 2023 13:00:00 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

What are focus indicators

When using an app, at any given time, a single interactive element can have focus. Once an element has focus, the user can interact with it in a number of ways. For example, when a text input has focus, typing will insert text into that field.
Users of assistive technology and power-users rely on this focus more than typical users — and it’s important for them to know which element is currently focused. A typical user might simply place their finger or cursor over a button they wish to press, but someone using only a keyboard would need to focus that button, and then perform an action to activate it. If they can't easily determine where the focus is, they will struggle to use the site.

Why build your own

Browsers are yet to standardise focus indicator appearance. If a user visits the same website in 3 different browsers, they will see different browser focus indicators in each.
Comparison of default button focus style in Safari, Firefox, and ChromeComparison of default button focus style in Safari, Firefox, and Chrome
Comparison of default button focus style in Safari, Firefox, and ChromeComparison of default button focus style in Safari, Firefox, and Chrome

Even if we override the style with CSS, the outcome won’t always be the same. Here we've applied outline: rgba(0, 125, 250, 0.6) solid 2px.
Comparison of button focus style with custom outline in Safari, Firefox and ChromeComparison of button focus style with custom outline in Safari, Firefox and Chrome
Comparison of button focus style with custom outline in Safari, Firefox and ChromeComparison of button focus style with custom outline in Safari, Firefox and Chrome

Building our own custom focus indicators allows us to be in control, and deliver a consistent, accessible, on-brand experience across all browsers.
You can see great examples of custom focus indicators on

How to make my focus indicators

I started by identifying the behaviour I wanted
  • When an element has focus, a blue focus indicator is shown around it
  • The focus indicator is offset by a few pixels to ensure it’s easily visible even if the focus colour is similar to the element colour.
  • The indicator should only show for thefocus psuedo-class, and not others such as hover, active, visited, etc.*
* Note some browsers will apply the focus psuedo-class alongside others. For example, Firefox activates focus at the same time as active. This is fine because this will be consistent with how the user experiences other sites in their browser, and how they have configured their browser.
My custom focus style around a buttonMy custom focus style around a button
My custom focus style around a buttonMy custom focus style around a button

I wanted to ensure this styling is easily applicable to multiple components and avoid duplication. I wrote a styled-css helper. You could implement something similar as a Sass mixin.
const outlineColor = 'rgba(0, 125, 250, 0.6)';
const outlineColorDarkMode = 'rgba(0, 125, 250, 0.6)';
const outlineGap = '0.35rem';
const outlineWidth = '0.2rem';
const outlineBorderRadius = '0.5rem';
export const focusStyle = () => css`
  &:focus {
    /* stylelint-disable-next-line declaration-no-important */
    outline: none !important;
    &::after {
      position: absolute;
      /* Could just use "inset" but it's not widely supported */
      top: -${outlineGap};
      right: -${outlineGap};
      bottom: -${outlineGap};
      left: -${outlineGap};
      content: '';
      display: block;
      border: solid ${outlineColor} ${outlineWidth};
      border-radius: ${outlineBorderRadius};
      pointer-events: none;
      @media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) {
        border-color: ${outlineColorDarkMode};
It's possible we'll want to be able to select different styles depending on the background behind an interactive element. For example, if we're displaying an element on a blue background, we might want a white focus-indicator so that it's visible. We can easily make the helper more configurable or themeable by simply adding arguments to the focusStyle function.


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If you are unsure about your right to use them please contact me.